A post-election update

I was halfway through what at the time would have been a cutting-edge redesign of this Web site in October 2007 when Pete Domenici set the dominoes in motion. I’ve been so busy ever since covering the election that I never got back to that important project.

And the redesign I was working on is no longer cutting-edge. That’s how quickly the technology of the Internet is changing.

So I’m starting over. I just wanted to let you know, with the election finally over, what to expect in the coming weeks as I work to update my site to keep it as useful to you as possible. I’m going to take a little time off to recharge my batteries over the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays — about three weeks total. I may also take another day or two off here or there.

And I’m going to spend a lot of time working on the site’s redesign. I want the new version of Heath Haussamen on New Mexico Politics to be ready to go before the state Legislature convenes in January, and, since I’m doing it myself, I have a lot of work to do to make that happen.

In the meantime, I’ll keep bringing you the latest news and analysis on the state’s political happenings. There’s a lot to write about as we transition into a new presidency, welcome new members to the state’s congressional delegation and prepare for a state legislative session with a number of new members who promise to change the dynamic in Santa Fe.

Thanks for reading.

– Heath Haussamen

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