What do you say after you’ve lost an election?

What do you say to your supporters after you’ve just suffered a rather sizable defeat at the hands of Barack Obama and the Democratic tidal wave?

Darren White, the 1st Congressional District Republican candidate who lost by 11 points to Democrat Martin Heinrich last week, chose congeniality in a message he posted on his Web site.

“No doubt about it… it was a rough day. Even as we begin to close shop and pack away our supplies and materials, I just want to thank you,” White wrote. “With hope and optimism for the future, I want to congratulate Martin Heinrich on his campaign’s victory. It is time for us to come together as a community, a state, and a country behind our newly-elected leaders, like Martin, to solve our shared problems.”

Ed Tinsley, the GOP’s 2nd District candidate, chose a different message after losing to Democrat Harry Teague by 11 points. He launched into a lengthy explanation for his loss on his Web site. He said key factors included big losses in Las Cruces and the upper Rio Grande Valley and the fact that he was outspent by about $3.3 million by Teague and the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.

“The Obama Tsunami, spearheaded by Governor Richardson, hit New Mexico with a solid force,” Tinsley wrote. “All three Congressional seats, as well as our Senate seat, went to the Democrats by substantial margins. Three of the seats have been held by Republican legislators for decades.”

As is customary, both candidates thanked their supporters. White ended his note with a word about his continued work as sheriff of Bernalillo County.

“As for future plans, for now I plan to strap-on my gun belt and go catch some bad guys,” White wrote.

Tinsley wrote that he has “a big stake in our country’s future.”

“A lost election does not change this, but rather it amplifies the need to work harder to preserve those values, ideals and convictions we all share,” he wrote. “A new era has come to New Mexico, as well as the rest of our country. I will continue to be an advocate. Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to be your Congressional Candidate. It has been an honor; one that I will never forget.”

Republican U.S. Senate candidate Steve Pearce and 3rd District candidate Dan East have not posted notes on their Web sites since losing their races.

The other candidate who lost a congressional race in New Mexico last week, independent 3rd District hopeful Carol Miller, responded to her loss by starting a blog. On it, she’s already criticized Obama and promised to keep up the fight.

“The election yesterday is hopefully a first step for change as promised,” she wrote on Wednesday. “Now the work of making change — the right kind of change — begins. That is the job of all of us, holding every single member of Congress and the new administration accountable for their commitments and promises.”

“… Our work is cut out for us so roll up your sleeves and never let up,” Miller wrote.

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