Ad calls Heinrich ‘disgraceful, dishonorable, extreme’

Republican 1st Congressional District candidate Darren White is out in the final days of the campaign with an ad hammering Democratic opponent Martin Heinrich as an extremist and law-breaker. Heinrich wants White to stop running the ad because, he says, it’s full of “brazen lies.”

Here’s the 30-second spot:

“Martin Heinrich. He broke the law to hide his past. Like his partnership with Dave Foreman,” the ad’s narrator states. “Convicted of attempting to sabotage a nuclear power plant, (Foreman) is known as the ‘most dangerous environmentalist in America.’”

“Heinrich co-founded an extremist group with Foreman. Then he lobbied illegally while on city council. Now, Heinrich’s groups are under federal investigation,” the narrator states. “Martin Heinrich: disgraceful, dishonorable, extreme.”

The ad is the culmination of all the negative attacks against Heinrich during the campaign. The Heinrich campaign denounced the ad in a news release as “an outrageous, extreme television ad personally attacking Martin Heinrich and echoing John McCain’s failed Swift Boat-style attacks.”

“This is another in a long series of ads that demonstrate that Darren White is a man with no sense of honor who will do anything to win,” Jason Burke, Heinrich campaign spokesman, said in the release. “… It’s been too long since Darren White has done the right thing, but he has one last opportunity to act with integrity, take down this ad, and maybe salvage his future in New Mexico politics.”

Click here to read what White says are the facts that back up the ad.

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