All about allegations of voter fraud and suppression

In these last, crazy days of the 2008 election, there’s been a lot of back and forth about voter fraud and voter suppression. To this point, I haven’t written about it: Much of it isn’t about current events and should have been brought up months ago if the real goal was to ensure fair elections.

But the fighting is escalating, so I wanted to at least provide you with some links to more information.

• Click here to read about state Sen. Leonard Lee Rawson, R-Las Cruces, raising concerns about possible voter fraud in his district. The article includes the response of his Democratic opponent, Steve Fischmann.

• Click here to read about GOP allegations that 28 people voted fraudulently in Albuquerque in the June primary. Click here to read about Democrats fighting back against the allegations, and here to read about two lawsuits filed in response to the Republicans’ claims. Click here for a list of articles on the situation published by The New Mexico Independent.

• To top it off, Rolling Stone is out with a new article claiming that the GOP is trying to suppress the vote, and it relies extensively on reporting from New Mexico. Click here to read it.

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