Udall raises $1.8 million during third quarter

Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Tom Udall raised almost $1.8 million during the third quarter of 2008, his campaign announced today in a news release.

That’s actually about $300,000 less than Udall raised during the second quarter of the year. The slight dip in Udall’s fundraising coincides with the race shifting from one analysts thought would be hotly contested to one that isn’t much of a contest. In fact, a newly released poll shows Udall continuing to hold a double-digit lead over Republican Steve Pearce.

The SurveyUSA poll has Udall leading by 18 percentage points, 58 to 40 percent. The survey of 568 likely voters in New Mexico was conducted Sunday and Monday and has a margin of error of 4.1 percent.

Pearce has not released fundraising information for the third quarter, but reports are due to the Federal Election Commission by midnight.

Udall said he had nearly $2 million on hand at the end of September, and the money he raised from July 1 to Sept. 30 included 6,255 donations of $100 or less. Those small donations amounted to 75 percent of the money he raised during the reporting period, according to the release.

“Tom Udall’s commitment to always do what’s right for New Mexico and our nation resonates strongly throughout our state thanks to his broad base of supporters,” Udall campaign manager Amanda Cooper said in the release. “Their consistent and generous support has ensured that Tom Udall will finish this campaign strongly and continue fighting to make our economy work for the middle class again, to create new, renewable energy jobs of the future here at home and take care of our veterans when they come home.”

Udall has run 13 TV ads during the campaign and has 11 offices across the state, according to the release.

Udall raised $2.1 million in the second quarter of the year to Pearce’s $1.2 million. During the primary, Udall raised more during every reporting period than Pearce and his GOP primary opponent, Heather Wilson, combined.

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