What about the left’s ‘verbal terrorism?’

By Dan Foley

Obama and his racist supporters have gone too far. Comparing Sen. John McCain and Gov. Sarah Palin to Democrat Gov. George C. Wallace has to be the straw that breaks the camel’s back!

How come Obama and his Far Left thugs continue to accuse Republicans of bringing race into this campaign when the fact is the only people who constantly bring race up are the left-wingers themselves? Why do the media let them get away with the continued hate- mongering and divisive race-baiting that the Obama campaign relishes? Can you imagine if a Republican said any of the things that Congressman John Lewis said? Not only is the smearing wrong, just in principle, it is also wrong in terms of any bearing it might have on actual history. It is yet another in the continuous examples of how the liberal educational systems have failed to pass on any knowledge of history to the modern age of consumers.

George C. Wallace was a life-long Democrat who was elected governor of Alabama on a segregationist platform in 1962. Segregation as a public policy idea came from the Democratic Party of the post-Reconstruction era as the Democrats sought to prevent a competitive two-party system in about 16 states. No Republican platform ever endorsed segregation. Keep that in mind.

In the 11 states of the old Confederacy, the Democrats harassed, brutalized, intimidated, murdered and lynched some 5,000 Republicans, black and white, between 1866 and about 1920. They succeeded. The region became known as “The Solid South.” That meant it was a bastion of solid Democratic voting and one-party, Democratic, domination. In addition to those 11 states, the Democrats also worked hard to do the same thing where there was a solid base of hard core anti-Republican sentiment left over from pre-Civil War politics: Missouri, Kentucky, West Virginia, Maryland and the new state of Oklahoma. They had varying degrees of “success,” but one thing is certain: It was Democratic legislatures and politicians in those states who authored the race-based policies that were promulgated.

George C. Wallace was a product of these efforts. After two years as governor, he entered several Democratic primaries in the 1964 presidential race. Four years later, he created his own party to run for president in 1968. But he returned to the Democratic Party immediately afterward to begin running for its presidential nomination in 1972. At the time he was shot in May of 1972, Wallace was the leading vote-getter in the Democratic presidential primary field. I say again: in the Democratic presidential primary field.

Today, Democrats will try to tell you that such-and-such has been done by Republicans. One union organizer answered my previous column by saying that “Democrats who voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965 had become Republicans.” When I showed him that all but one of them had died as Democrats and had never gone back on their segregationist views, he did not respond. I do not hold that against him. It isn’t his fault: He just doesn’t know anything about the Democratic Party’s actual history. (The one person he named, who later became a Republican, renounced his segregationist beliefs and worked against the Wallace campaign in 1968 — something none of the Democrats did.)

Mainstream media advocates for the left

As the election comes closer, we keep hearing from the Obama surrogates that if we vote for McCain there will be chaos, just short of anarchy. Why do they get away with this? Are the Far Left media so in bed with these folks that they refuse to report the facts? This a significant turning point in our history, that it is now being universally acknowledged, that in fact the mainstream media are advocates for the Democratic Party and no longer even pretend to present “the news.”

Not only that, the media actively work with the Far Left to re-invent history. They also ignore the ongoing, disgusting, hate-filled and divisive sloganeering that continues to be emitted from the Obama campaign.

How come when ever a question is asked by McCain or Palin, not to mention any other Republican, about Obama and his past or qualifications, the Hard Left immediately accuses them of being racists? And why do the media parrot those exact accusations, taking them as their own? The media’s role should be somewhere between the two competing points of view, rather than merely serving as a microphone and sound system to amplify the Left. At least that used to be the idea.

Obama needs to come clean

I believe it is not racist to ask about Obama’s background. Maybe he should be required to come clean to the American people. It’s just a thought. In year’s past, a less left-compliant media would force him to answer legitimate questions. We wouldn’t be waiting with bated breath to find answers to questions about Barack Obama’s relationship with William Ayers, his ties to organizations like ACORN and his medical records (the media would go ballistic if it were John McCain).

New revelations are coming out every day about ACORN and their plans to steal elections all across the country by registering and voting illegal immigrants, non-citizens, and simply fake, non-existent names, sending volunteers to sign for the fake people and cast vote after vote. Can you imagine if John McCain had worked for these guys?

Obama, like most liberals, is supposed to be smarter than the “ordinary” American, but he refuses to release his college transcripts.

We have shrunk to a place wherein Obama and his surrogates call almost every questioner a “racist.” If you cannot ask about his relationship with a terrorist, a racist preacher, his political background and his public voting record, then why even have an election? Let’s just let the “Ministry of Information and Truth” simply announce that an election has been held and that Obama has won. We have descended into a surreal Orwellian world in which this appears to be the only approach that can avoid the omnipresent charge of “racism.”

Americans should be up in arms

We as Americans — regardless of whether you are liberal or conservative — should be up in arms about how the Obama campaign is acting. We should all be asking if the mainstream media are going to do their jobs, going to ask the tough questions of all candidates.

Left-wing, verbal terrorists like Congressman John Lewis should be held up to ridicule. They shouldn’t be taken seriously, as the ignorant, history-deprived media talking heads take them.

Our country should not be dividing along lines of race. That is something artificial that has been smeared across the landscape by the cynical managers of the Obama campaign and the Democratic National Committee — with the mainstream media as their agents.

Obama and his surrogates should not be using fear in this campaign, trying to threaten and scare Americans into voting for their candidate.

To Americans who have actually read history — not just watched TV shows, but read history — it would come as no surprise that the Democratic Party, a party that was founded on racism, preached segregation and thrived on race division, continues to go back to its traditional playbook over and over again.

Today they don’t have the Ku Klux Klan, which historians called the “military wing of the Democratic Party.” But their new Klan is the Mainstream Media, the screaming hate-mongers led by people like Keith Olberman, Rachel Maddow and Eleanor Clift, and by outlets like the New York Times and NBC News and its subsidiaries. In the old days it was intimidation, threats and actual violence to hold people back. Today it is verbal terrorism, trying to force people to comply. Not only are both wrong. They are both evil. And they are the antithesis of all America is or can be.

Foley, a Republican, is the outgoing minority whip in the New Mexico House of Representatives.

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