Pearce explains vote against bailout in radio ad

Republican U.S. Senate candidate Steve Pearce is out with a new radio ad promoting his vote against the financial bailout bill as a stand against forcing “American families to pay for the mistake of greedy bankers on Wall Street.”

The Pearce campaign did not release audio of the ad but did provide the transcript in a news release. The ad begins with Pearce saying, “The Washington politicians have done it again.”

“They failed to responsibly regulate Wall Street and encouraged irresponsible borrowing.

When Wall Street billionaires made bad investments, they came crawling to these same politicians asking for a taxpayer bailout, and that’s wrong,” Pearce says in the ad. “Some of these people made hundreds of millions of dollars a year, yet they are asking hard-working Americans to pay for their mistakes.”

“That’s why I said ‘no’ and voted against the bailout. I will not put your money at risk to pay for their mistakes,” Pearce says. “That doesn’t mean we do nothing. I would have voted for a responsible plan that protects taxpayers, strengthens the dollar and demands accountability for those who caused this meltdown. But I will not support any plan that forces American families to pay for the mistakes of greedy bankers on Wall Street.”

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