McCain backers say Palin proved herself during debate

Sitting in a restaurant in Las Cruces, Frank Gamboa became visibly upset when he watched Democratic vice presidential candidate Joe Biden say during Thursday’s debate that he hasn’t heard of any differences between the policies of President Bush and those of Republican presidential candidate John McCain.

“You haven’t been listening, you jerk,” Gamboa said aloud while he raised a fist in the air.

Gamboa was among a handful of surrogates and others involved in McCain’s campaign who watched Thursday’s vice presidential debate at Uno Chicago Bar and Grill. The group was clearly pleased with Sarah Palin’s performance, and at many points some of them became upset with statements made by Biden.

Gamboa, who was McCain’s roommate at the Naval Academy, said after the debate that he believed Palin was “clear and to the point” during the debate, while Biden’s responses to questions were meandering and angry. He used words such as bouncy, energetic and fun to describe Palin’s performance.

“I thought she was the clear winner,” Gamboa said.

The group of surrogates is on a three-day tour of New Mexico that began Thursday morning in Santa Fe and will end in Albuquerque on Friday evening. Traveling with Gamboa and the others is Jim Spiri, who has spent time as an embedded photojournalist in Iraq.

Spiri said after watching the debate that Palin effectively made clear the importance of her experience as a governor of a key energy producing state.

“Her message was, ‘Don’t mess with me. I know how to do this and I’m going to do this.’ I think that was the turning point,” Spiri said after the debate.

He said he believes the McCain campaign has held Palin back until Thursday’s debate — something he disagreed with — and said she proved during the debate that “it was time to open up and show the reason that Sen. McCain picked her in the first place.”

Meanwhile, the Democratic Party of New Mexico released a statement about the debate from Priscilla Chavez, a former Clinton delegate from Las Cruces who now supports Barack Obama.

“Watching Sen. Biden tonight, I was reminded of why I am so proud to stand 100 percent behind an Obama/Biden ticket,” Chavez said. “Joe Biden talked about cutting taxes for the middle class and getting our country back on track, while Gov. Palin didn’t have any answers for how a McCain/Palin administration would better the lives of middle-class families.”

“Gov. Palin even defended the failed policies of the Bush Administration, promising more of the same,” Chavez said. “My family and families like mine in southern New Mexico can’t afford another four years of the same.”

There was one moment during the debate when Spiri said Palin made a mistake. Following a question about what promises the McCain/Palin ticket wouldn’t be able to keep because of the economic crisis, Palin said there would be no broken promises. She said she hasn’t made many promises because she’s “only been at this five weeks.”

Spiri leaned back in his chair.

“Oh, she shouldn’t have said that,” he said.

Palin’s experience — or lack thereof — is a critical topic in the race.

But Spiri said after the debate that Palin spoke in a direct manner and held her own, adding that she “overpowered” Biden on “many issues.”

Gamboa agreed.

“I think we had a great night. I think we did,” he said. “God, I was nervous.”

For a transcript of the debate, click here. You can watch the full debate right here:

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