C. de Baca also said older Hispanics resent blacks

There’s no audio recording to prove that Bernalillo County Republican Party Chairman Fernando C. de Baca actually said last week that Hispanics won’t vote for a black president because, as conquerors, they consider themselves above blacks, who came to America as slaves.

But there is an audio recording of a separate interview in which C. de Baca spoke about the same subject.

The comments that have caused controversy and sparked calls from the top leaders of his party for C. de Baca’s resignation were reported by BBC News blogger Jon Kelly in a Friday blog posting. C. de Baca also gave an interview last week to Ros Atkins, an on-air reporter for BBC News, and those comments have not been publicly circulated in New Mexico, until today. Bill Dupuy, a radio reporter for KSFR-FM in Santa Fe, obtained audio of the interview and shared it with this site. Click here to listen to it.

Here’s what C. de Baca told Atkins:

“I feel strongly that Hispanics will not support, in my generation and the generation around my age, are not going to support the Democratic candidate for president primarily because there is a strong feeling that African Americans during the civil rights movement took advantage, full advantage, of all the benefits and programs that the government offered, that were supposed to be offered to all minorities. But we were left behind, we were left sucking air, and we resented that ever since the 60s, and I don’t see how a black president is going to change that.”

C. de Baca is meeting with his county party’s executive board this morning to decide whether to resign.

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