New Pearce ad calls Udall ‘breathtakingly liberal’

Republican U.S. Senate candidate Steve Pearce is out with a new TV ad hitting his Democratic opponent, Tom Udall, as being “breathtakingly liberal.”

Here’s the 30-second spot, which Pearce unveiled today:

“Tom Udall. He voted to raise taxes on families and businesses and just about anything that moves,” the ad’s narrator states. “He voted against offshore drilling and nuclear-power development. Udall voted against body armor for our troops in combat. He even voted against banning partial-birth abortions.”

“Tom Udall. Not your ordinary, run-of-the-mill liberal,” the narrator states. “He’s breathtakingly liberal.”

Udall spokeswoman Marissa Padilla had this to say in response:

“Steve Pearce will do and say anything to mask his lock-step support for George Bush economics,” she said.

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