Obama, union out with new TV ads in NM

Barack Obama is out with a new TV ad today slamming John McCain for dishonest advertising.

Here’s the 30-second spot, which is airing in New Mexico and other states:

“The old John McCain,” the ad’s narrator states before the ad shows a clip of McCain saying, “I will not take the low road to the highest office in this land.”

“What’s happened to John McCain?” the narrator asks before quoting several media outlets as commenting on McCain’s recent advertising as “one of the sleaziest ads ever seen,” “Truly vile,” “dishonest smears” and “exposed as a lie.”

“After voting with Bush 90 percent of the time, proposing the same disastrous economic policies, it seems deception is all he has left,” the ad’s narrator states.

Meanwhile, Service Employees International Union has begun airing a new ad in New Mexico and other states promoting Obama’s candidacy. The ad quotes McCain as saying he needs to be educated about economics and that America is better off than it was eight years ago, then promotes Obama as the candidate who will help the middle class.

Here it is:

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