McCain, Obama get back to hitting each other

A day after John McCain and Barack Obama paused to remember the victims of the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, they’re back to their fighting with hard-hitting new television ads.

Here’s Obama’s new ad, which takes a not-so-subtle shot at McCain’s age by attacking him as someone who can’t use a computer or e-mail:

For whatever it’s worth, when I interviewed McCain on his campaign bus in August, he was reading news headlines about the Georgia/Russia situation on his cell phone.

Here’s Obama’s second ad out today. It’s a simple ad, without music, in which Obama makes his case that he’s the real agent of change in the race:

Meanwhile, McCain is out with his own attack ad, which no-so-subtly hits Obama and his running mate for attacking Palin, playing off McCain’s assertion that the attacks on Palin have been sexist. Here it is:

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