White, Heinrich out with new TV ads today

Both candidates in the 1st Congressional District race are out with new television ads today.

Republican Darren White is up with his first ad of the general-election season, a positive, introductory spot that doesn’t mention Democratic opponent Martin Heinrich. Here it is:

“Darren White. A lifetime of service,” the ad’s narrator states. “Ready to lead. He served our country in the elite 82nd Airborne. A street cop who rose to cabinet secretary. Darren White put service in front of politics, resigning when the governor promoted the legalization of drugs. As sheriff he’s cracked down on DWI, doubling arrests.”

The ad concludes with White saying he will be “an independent voice for you.”

Heinrich, meanwhile, is out today with his second ad of the general-election season, which continues his attempt to link White to President Bush.

Here’s the ad:

“George Bush and Darren White’s energy policies are a drag on America’s economy. Tax breaks for big oil, and record gas prices are holding America back,” The narrator of the ad states before Heinrich speaks.

“I’m Martin Heinrich and I’m running for Congress because George Bush and Darren White are wrong on energy and it’s holding America back,” Heinrich says in the ad. “In Congress I’ll push for an Apollo project to make American energy independent and create good-paying jobs for New Mexico.”

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