Politico: CD2 race is one that could reshape Congress

New Mexico’s 2nd Congressional District race between Democrat Harry Teague and Republican Ed Tinsley is one of 10 races “that could reshape the next Congress,” according to The Politico.

With that in mind, the news outlet profiled the race in an article published today. The verdict: The similarities between the two candidates “could spell trouble for the GOP, which could lose its 30-year grip on the district if Teague can appeal to its conservative Republican base.”

One sign of GOP concern, the article states, is that the vice president is hosting a fundraiser for Tinsley later this month in Teague’s hometown of Hobbs.

Both candidates, The Politico reports, “have deep ties to the local oil industry and support increased domestic drilling and alternative energy development in the rural district. Both men are also wealthy enough to finance a good chunk of their own campaigns. As of June, Teague had given himself more than $768,000… and Tinsley had given himself $235,000.”

Tinsley’s hope, according to the article, “is to showcase areas where Teague falls short of the conservative platform.” Tinsley is doing that, telling the news outlet that Teague’s “message has consistently flown in the face of conservative beliefs, whether it’s on tax policy, energy policy or his position on Iraq. I would say you don’t change the spots on a leopard.”

Meanwhile, Teague is out with a new TV ad. Here it is:

Update, 9:55 p.m.

Tinsley spokesman Jim Pettit said, in response to Teague’s new ad, that voters in the district care more about energy and the economy than the candidates. He said Teague’s policy stances on those issues are bad for the voters of the district and, among other things, would lead to higher taxes.

“This isn’t the kind of change 2nd District voters have in mind,” Pettit said.

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