McCain, Obama spar in new TV ads

Republican presidential nominee John McCain is out with a new TV ad trying to build up the maverick image of him and his running mate, while Democratic opponent Barack Obama is out with his own ad claiming McCain and Sarah Palin are “anything but” mavericks.

Here’s McCain’s new ad:

“The original mavericks. He fights pork barrel spending. She stopped the bridge to nowhere. He took on the drug industry. She took on big oil,” the ad’s narrator states about McCain and Palin. “He battled Republicans and reformed Washington. She battled Republicans and reformed Alaska. They’ll make history. They’ll change Washington.”

Shortly after that ad was unveiled on Monday, Obama released this ad:

“They call themselves mavericks. Whoa. Truth is, they’re anything but,” the narrator states. “John McCain is hardly a maverick when seven of his top campaign advisors are Washington lobbyists. He’s no maverick when he votes with Bush 90 percent of the time.”

“And Sarah Palin’s no maverick either,” the narrator states. “She was for the bridge to nowhere before she was against it. Politicians lying about their records? You don’t call that maverick. You call it more of the same.”

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