Independent poll has Heinrich up by 5 points

A new, independent poll finds Democrat Martin Heinrich with a narrow lead over Republican Darren White in the 1st Congressional District race.

Heinrich led 51 percent to 46 percent in the SurveyUSA poll, conducted for the Washington publication Roll Call. The poll of 631 likely voters, conducted Aug. 26-28, has a margin of error of 4 percentage points.

Of significance is the fact that Heinrich was above the 50-percent threshold.

Another interesting point in the poll: Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama easily led GOP opponent John McCain in the 1st District, 55 percent to 41 percent.

According to Roll Call, White was viewed favorably by 43 percent of those surveyed and unfavorably by 29 percent, while Heinrich was viewed favorably by 34 percent and unfavorably by 26 percent. A large percentage of those surveyed had neutral opinions or no opinions of both candidates. Those may be voters who can be swayed to switch sides even though they picked a side in the poll.

This is the first independent poll of the 1st District race that has been released. In July, White released an internal poll that had him leading 47 percent to 41 percent. Earlier in that month, Heinrich released his own internal poll that had him leading 47 percent to 44 percent.

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