New Udall ad says ‘do it all’ on energy

Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Tom Udall’s new TV ad says he wants to “do it all” when it comes to proposals to reduce dependence on foreign oil.

Here’s the 30-second spot:

“Offshore oil. Wind energy. Solar. Nuclear power. Bio fuels. More clean refineries. There’s a lot of talk about how to reduce gas prices,” the ad’s narrator states. “Tom Udall thinks there’s only one answer — do it all. Increase domestic oil production, including off shore. Invest a lot more in alternative energy. And stop hedge fund speculators from driving up the price of oil.”

“I’m Tom Udall and I approve this message because we need to stop talking about energy independence and start doing something about it,” Udall says at the end of the ad.

The campaign of his Republican opponent, Steve Pearce, responded in a news release by saying that Udall “should follow his own advice.” The release listed eight Udall votes in the House against increasing domestic drilling.

“Tom Udall should follow his own advice about less talk and more action when it comes to domestic drilling,” Pearce campaign manager John Billingsley said in the release. “He has had opportunities to act in Congress, but has opposed drilling every time. Steve Pearce, on the other hand, has a clear and consistent record of acting to increase domestic production and invest in nuclear. Tom is all talk.”

Udall campaign manager Amanda Cooper said in a release that Udall’s plan “calls for us to use all of our energy options, including expanded domestic drilling, a massive investment in alternative energy, and laws that crack down on hedge fund speculators,” and said Udall “has consistently fought for a balanced, do-it-all energy policy that works for the middle class and will move the country off its dependence on foreign oil.”

The advertising race

Pearce has been unable to come close to keeping up with Udall in fundraising, and he received some bad news this week when the National Republican Senatorial Committee cancelled plans to run TV ads on Pearce’s behalf prior to Election Day. The change of plans came after the committee’s plea for financial help from GOP senators went largely unanswered.

But, as I’ve already reported, the Club for Growth, which has endorsed Pearce, is spending big on ads attacking Udall. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce has also come to Pearce’s aid with its own TV ad in recent weeks, but the ad isn’t available online.

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