Convention reveals a united Democratic Party

By Diane Denish

DENVER — The first night of the convention painted an incredible representation of who the Democratic Party is. President Jimmy Carter, Sen. Ted Kennedy and Michelle Obama were powerhouses, producing an indescribable hum of energy even before the speaking started.

My daughter Sara and I boarded a shuttle to Pepsi Center at the Crowne Plaza. As we took our seats, the energy and excitement built higher and higher as folks from different delegations buzzed about the line-up of speakers intended to empower the party and stir solidarity. It was fantastic to share the experience with Sara.

We moved to the delegate floor, connected with the New Mexico delegation and others able to join the group, and felt the energy grow with anticipation. It was wonderful to see the other delegations just as pumped up about the representation of the Democratic Party the first night.

Senator Ted Kennedy’s tribute empowered the audience with admiration, passion and purpose. His appearance was a surprise that brought the crowd to its feet. It was inspiring to see him again full of energy and passion. The enthusiasm that erupted from everyone gathered in the stadium was palpable as he talked about the need for universal health care.

Then Michelle Obama kept pace when she talked about her life story and that of her husband, and their empathy for the plight of the American people hanging on to dreams of improving their quality of life and improving the state of global affairs. The crowd exploded at Michelle Obama’s recognition of Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton for forever changing the potential for elected women. Signs reading “Honor Hillary! Support Obama!!” echoed her message about a united Democratic Party.

Riding the energy from the convention speakers, we were able to join friends to hear Willie Nelson at a concert attended by about 2,000 people under a tent on Invesco Field. We continued our celebration back at our hotel, where Gov. Bill Richardson hosted a New Mexico delegation pool party. We were amazed about how many other delegations got word about the New Mexico gathering and joined the event. Convention goers are buzzing about New Mexico, what we’re accomplishing and how important our state will be as a battleground this election.

This morning, in a room filled of bleary-eyed New Mexicans exhausted from socializing last night, I had the opportunity to address the New Mexico delegation at breakfast. I talked about the excitement of the first day. Sen. Bingaman shared my sentiments and agreed it was a fantastic start to the convention. Highlights of the first day were discussed throughout breakfast. By all reports, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton wowed delegation members of the Hispanic Caucus with an enthusiastic address about issues like health care and immigration reform and a call for unity and support for Sen. Obama.

At the end of the day it was clear that the Democrats were unified by the Obama-Biden ticket, and the New Mexico delegation embodies that spirit. Hasta Mañana.

Denish is New Mexico’s lieutenant governor. She is blogging on this site daily from this week’s convention.

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