Obama plans to spend $20 million to reach Hispanics

The campaign of Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama plans to spend $20 million in the coming months to reach Hispanic voters across the nation.

Obama National Hispanic Leadership Council Chairman Frank Sanchez called the effort “bold and unprecedented” today in a conference call with reporters. He said a recent study by the Hispanic Voter Project at Johns Hopkins University confirms that the money the campaign will spend to reach Hispanics is of “a size and scope that has never been undertaken in the history of presidential politics.”

Linda Chavez Thompson, vice chair of the Democratic National Committee, said on the conference call that she believes Hispanics will pick the next president because they play a key role in several critical battleground states. Sanchez said the money will be spent in every state to coincide with Obama’s 50-state strategy, but a high percentage of the money will be poured into New Mexico, Colorado, Nevada and Florida — swing states with large Hispanic populations.

He said the money will be spent on voter registration and mobilization activities, paid advertising and efforts at online organizing.

Obama and Republican presidential candidate John McCain have been battling for Hispanic support, but multiple polls confirm that Obama has a significant advantage. A recent Pew Hispanic Center poll found that only 23 percent of Hispanics intend to vote for McCain.

McCain’s pollster has said that the Republican needs 40 percent of the Hispanic vote to win the presidency.

Update, 4 p.m.

The McCain campaign, in response to Obama’s announcement, released a statement from U.S. Rep. Lincoln Diaz-Balart, R-Fla.

“Unlike Barack Obama, John McCain doesn’t need an introduction to the Hispanic Community. John McCain has been working for more than two decades for the values, principles and issues Latinos care about,” Diaz-Balart said. “Hispanics will elect the next president of the United States based on who has the best record, experience and is better prepared to move this country forward. John McCain wants to keep taxes low for hardworking families and small business owners; Barack Obama has stated he will raise taxes. John McCain has an energy plan and wants to lower gas prices; Barack Obama has no plan. John McCain always put this country first; Barack Obama changes his mind depending on the political calendar.”

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