McCain mocks Obama’s message of hope in new ad

Republican presidential candidate John McCain’s new TV ad running in New Mexico and elsewhere mocks Democratic opponent Barack Obama’s message of hope while focusing on McCain’s background.

Here’s the 60-second spot, which is airing in New Mexico and 10 other states and on national cable:

The ad promotes McCain as someone who has spent a lifetime putting America “before party, polls and self” and as a maverick who “tackled campaign reform, military reform, spending reform… took on presidents, partisans and popular opinion.”

“He believes our world is dangerous, our economy in shambles,” the ad’s narrator states. “John McCain doesn’t always tell us what we ‘hope’ to hear. Beautiful words cannot make our lives better. But a man who has always put his country and her people before self, before politics, can.”

“Don’t ‘hope’ for a better life,” the narrator says. “Vote for one.”

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