Guv may help Clinton with debt, suggests her for VP

Is Gov. Bill Richardson, who was called “Judas” earlier this year for endorsing Barack Obama over Hillary Clinton in the presidential race, trying to make amends?

Richardson caught attention this weekend by telling ABC News on Sunday following an event in Chicago that he may help raise money to retire Clinton’s presidential campaign debt by holding a fundraiser for her in New Mexico later this year.

“We’ve been asked to help. So in principle we are going to help,” Richardson told ABC. “I think the party needs to come together.”

Richardson also caught attention on Saturday in Florida, where he told WPBF-TV in West Palm Beach that, if Obama doesn’t pick him to be his running mate, he believes Clinton “would make a strong running mate for Obama.”

Richardson, who was appointed by Clinton’s husband to two high positions in his administration in the 1990s, was called Judas by Clinton backer James Carville shortly after he endorsed Obama earlier this year. Last month, the New York Times reported that Clinton backers were keeping a list of past allies who helped Obama instead of Clinton in the primary.

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