McCamley’s future uncertain after CD2 loss

Doña Ana County Commissioner Bill McCamley’s future is uncertain after he lost the Democratic 2nd Congressional District primary on Tuesday to Harry Teague.

McCamley leaves the commission at the end of the year because he chose to run for Congress instead of seeking re-election.

“After taking my first vacation in well over a year, I will continue to work hard on the county commission for those things that I have been working hard on since I started — improving our local health-care system, creating jobs and protecting our environment,” McCamley said today in a statement released by his campaign. “Beyond that, I am not sure. I do know that I will always seek ways to fight for what I believe in, perhaps in some other profession or perhaps again in elective politics. I’ll cross that bridge when I come to it.”

McCamley urged his supporters to back Teague in November in the general election race against Republican Ed Tinsley.

“Harry is a good man with a history of accomplishments and a story that exemplifies the American dream,” McCamley said. “I want my supporters to know that there is a big difference between Harry Teague and Ed Tinsley, and we all need to support Harry in his effort to turn this district blue. It is time we have a Democratic representative in this district.”

McCamley asked that his supporters “continue the fight for what we believe in — ending the war in Iraq, improving services for Veterans and fighting to ensure that Washington works for the middle class, not special interests.”

As I’ve disclosed in the past, I’m friends with McCamley. Click here to read more about that.

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