‘Toughest sheriff in America’ endorses Dunn

Maricopa County, Ariz. Sheriff Joe Arpaio has endorsed Republican Aubrey Dunn in New Mexico’s 2nd Congressional District race.

The sheriff, according to a news release from the Dunn campaign, has earned a reputation as “the toughest sheriff in America.”

“Of all the candidates in this race, Aubrey Dunn is the strongest on the issue of protecting our border,” Arpaio said in the release. “Aubrey Dunn strongly opposes amnesty for illegals, and he’ll fight in Congress to keep our nation safe.”

Dunn said he is honored to have the endorsement.

“As our next congressman, I’ll take the sheriff’s same no-nonsense approach with me to Washington as we fight to protect our border and crack down on illegal immigration,” he said.

Update, 9 a.m.

Christopher Maloney, spokesman for Dunn opponent Ed Tinsley, said it’s apparent that Dunn “is starting to outsource celebrity endorsements due to the lack of support he’s received from inside the state of New Mexico and the 2nd district.”

“Sheriff Arpaio’s endorsement will not magically give the recently registered Republican, Aubrey Dunn, conservative border credentials overnight,” he said. “The Tinsley campaign is proud of the endorsements and broad-based support it has received from southern New Mexico community leaders and newspapers.”

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