Pearce, Wilson announce new endorsements

Republican U.S. Senate candidate Steve Pearce has picked up a number of endorsements in recent days in Farmington, while his primary opponent, Heather Wilson, has announced other endorsements, including those of two U.S. senators.

Pearce has received the endorsements of state Sens. Bill Sharer and Steve Neville and Reps. James Strickler and Paul Bandy, all from Farmington. He was also endorsed by San Juan County Commissioner Keith Johnson, former Commission Chairman Jack Fortner and former House Minority Leader Richard Cheney.

“Steve Pearce is a true conservative. He will be a strong voice for liberty and opportunity in the United States Senate,” Bandy said in a release from the Pearce campaign.

“The reason I support Pearce is his consistent pro-life, pro-family and pro-business voting record,” Strickler said in a release. “Congressman Pearce has a great deal of experience in the energy industry, which is so vital to our corner of the state. Pearce recognizes that excessive regulation can ‘kill the golden goose.’”

“He is a true New Mexican,” Neville said. “He has been a good friend to the agriculture, ranching and energy community. He is the type of leader who can make a positive difference for San Juan County in the Senate.”

Wilson, meanwhile, has picked up the endorsements of Utah’s U.S. senators, Orrin Hatch and Bob Bennett, in addition to that of The Santa Fe New Mexican and Torrance County Commission Chairman Leroy Candelaria.

Wilson has been endorsed by several U.S. senators, while Pearce has been endorsed by none.

“Senator Domenici always followed his conservative principals while standing up for the needs of his state,” Hatch said in a release from the Wilson campaign. “I believe Heather Wilson will lead in the same manner and I am proud to endorse her campaign for U.S. Senate.”

“I normally don’t inject myself into primary races… but I have gotten to know Heather Wilson by virtue of my service as a member of the Board of Visitors for the Air Force Academy,” Bennett said. “I have found her to be intelligent, resourceful and, frankly, tough. She has the kind of attributes that I would dearly love to welcome into the Senate.”

Candelaria said the deciding factor in his endorsement was that Wilson “has stood up for veterans and active-duty military personnel for as long as I have known her.”

While The New Mexican endorsed Wilson, saying that, with Domenici as her mentor, she has “learned well from the New Mexico legend – especially when it comes to Pete’s fiscally responsible traits” – the newspaper also pointed out that it has already endorsed Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Tom Udall in the general election.

“Tom Udall has represented our congressional district honestly, courageously and effectively; he would serve our state with great distinction,” the paper’s editorial states.

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