Superdelegate Weahkee chooses Obama

Another New Mexico superdelegate is pledging her support to Barack Obama in the Democratic presidential primary.

Laurie Weahkee has decided to back the Illinois senator, the New Mexico Independent reported today. The new online organization (for which I write) was the first to report the story, which followed an exclusive interview with Weahkee.

“After the primary elections in Indiana and North Carolina, it is now absolutely clear that Barack Obama will be our nominee,” Weahkee told the Independent. “Obama has proven that he can campaign in a difficult environment and still inspire thousands of new voices to take part in the democratic process.”

That leaves U.S. Rep. Tom Udall as the only uncommitted superdelegate from New Mexico, with six of the 12 supporting Clinton and five supporting Obama. Click on the above link to read the Independent’s in-depth interview with Weahkee.

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