Conservation Voters releases 2008 scorecard

The influential lobbying group Conservation Voters of New Mexico released its 2008 scorecard of state lawmakers on Tuesday.

You can read the scorecard and report by clicking here.

Among the delegation from Doña Ana County, Rep. Nate Cote earned the highest score of 89 percent. He was followed closely by Reps. Antonio Lujan and Jeff Steinborn, who both received an 88-percent score.

Reps. Joseph Cervantes and Joni Gutierrez both received a score of 75 percent, and Sen. Cynthia Nava received a score of 71 percent. Sens. Mary Jane Garcia and Mary Kay Papen and Rep. Mary Helen Garcia all received a score of 50 percent. Rep. Andy Nuñez received a score of 33 percent, and Sen. Leonard Lee Rawson received a score of 17 percent from the group.

I wrote last year about how Conservation Voters scores lawmakers. Dig into this year’s scorecard and you can find a detailed analysis of each lawmaker’s votes during this year’s legislative session.

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