Wilson, Sowards unveil new radio ads

Republican U.S. Senate candidate Heather Wilson unveiled her first radio ad of the campaign today. It’s similar to her recent television ad that attacks primary opponent Steve Pearce after complaining about him attacking her.

The radio ad, which you can listen to by clicking here, says Pearce is attacking Wilson “because on important issues, he’s wrong.” It then goes on to blast Pearce on the now-familiar issues of funding for the Border Patrol, the proposal to tie Iraq war funding to withdrawal deadlines, and their votes on the proposal to mothball Cannon Air Force base.

“The choice in this race for U.S. Senate is very clear,” Wilson said in a news release announcing the radio ad. “Republicans want to elect a commonsense conservative who can win in November. Steve Pearce is wrong on important issues and he didn’t stand up for New Mexico. Mr. Pearce has launched a negative campaign to keep from talking about his own record. ”

Meanwhile, GOP 2nd Congressional District candidate Greg Sowards unveiled a new radio ad today, a day after he began running his first radio ad in Las Cruces.

The new ad, which you can hear by clicking here, is a 60-second spot narrated by a child who talks about not understanding the need for a secure border and strong military, the need to protect the traditional family, and terms like “conservative principles” and “inalienable rights to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness.”

“I’m just a kid now, so I don’t understand these things, but someday I will, and all I’ll want to know: Were you part of the solution?” the narrator says.

The narrator then encourages people to go to Sowards’ Web site “and find out how voting for Greg Sowards will preserve these rights for my generation.”

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