ABQ-area state Senate candidate quits race

Albuquerque attorney and Republican David Pyne ended today his campaign for the District 23 state Senate seat being vacated by Joe Carraro.

That leaves Republican Sander Rue as the only candidate seeking to replace Carraro and all but assures that he will be the district’s next representative in the state Senate.

Pyne said in a news release that he’s withdrawing from the race “to put family first.” He said his employer has threatened for several months to fire him if he won the race, saying the company could not afford to allow him the time off required of a senator.

“After months of consideration and after falling short in my efforts to secure other employment in the greater Albuquerque area to allow me remain in the race,” Pyne said, “I ultimately decided that it would be unfair to my family for me to put my desire to be elected to public office and serve the people of this great state above my duty as a husband and father to provide financial security for my wife and children.”

Pyne said dropping out was one of the most difficult decisions of his life, but said he wishes Rue “all the best” despite their differences “on some of the issues that matter most to conservatives like myself.”

Pyne said he will continue to do all he can to help Carraro win the First Congressional District race, Marco Gonzales win the Third Congressional District race and Steve Pearce win the U.S. Senate race.

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