White tops CD1 candidates in first-quarter fundraising

Darren White led all First Congressional District candidates in fundraising during the first three months of 2008, raising a total of $233,509.

The GOP’s White raised $203,509 from individuals and $30,000 from political committees, according to the report he filed Tuesday with the Federal Election Commission. He spent $108,568, leaving him with $297,499 on hand on April 1.

Next was Democrat Martin Heinrich who, according to the report he filed, raised $201,045, including $161,997 from individuals and $38,785 from political committees. He spent $135,048 and had $342,422 in the bank on April 1.

Democrat Michelle Lujan-Grisham raised $109,080, according to the report she filed. That included $107,547 from individuals and $1,500 from political committees. She spent $65,776 and had $139,094 on hand on April 1.

Democrat Robert Pidcock raised $36,095, according to the report he filed. That included $11,583 from individuals and a $24,500 loan he made to his campaign. He spent $26,655 and had $9,440 on hand on April 1.

The remaining candidates’ reports appear to have problems.

Republican Joe Carraro raised and spent nothing during the reporting period, according to the FEC Web site, but a news release from the Carraro campaign said he raised $33,000, including a $10,000 loan he gave his campaign. And Democrat Rebecca Vigil-Giron raised $5,615, all of it from individuals, according to the report she filed. But she reported spending $13,916 and having an on-hand cash balance of -$8,301.

Expect that Vigil-Giron will file an amended report or that the FEC will investigate. And expect that Carraro’s report will be updated soon.

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