House Republican leaders grandstanding instead of taking action on immigration reform

In a sadly political move, Republican leaders in the U.S. House of Representatives plan to delay action on immigration reform so they can hold hearings throughout the summer around the nation before deciding whether to compromise with the Senate.

This grandstanding shows either a lack of understanding of the situation or a lack of compassion by House Republican leaders. While they continue talking, people continue to die in the desert. I hope Rep. Steve Pearce, R-N.M., isn’t involved in this.

House leaders already know the issues. They’ve heard plenty of public input. They’ve debated and debated and debated. It’s time for them to act.

Instead, the move seems to delay any action on immigration until 2007, because the fall will be too close to elections for legislators to take any meaningful action. You don’t do anything that matters right before an election because it’s sure to upset someone who might vote for you.

A House committee hearing will probably be held around here. House members will continue to take the positions they’ve taken all along. Some members of the public will share opinions legislators have already heard.

And we’ll wait until next year.

You can read more about it from the New York Times.

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