Luján wins hotly contested non-scientific CD3 poll

Last week’s non-scientific Third Congressional District Democratic primary poll on this site had far more votes than any other poll in this site’s history, and was narrowly won by Ben R. Luján.

Of 1,177 voters, 550, or 47 percent, said Luján will win the primary, while 508, or 43 percent, said Don Wiviott will win. Meanwhile, 93 voters, or 8 percent, picked Harry Montoya; 12 voters, or 1 percent, picked Benny Shendo Jr.; nine voters, or 1 percent, picked Jon Adams; and five voters, or less than 1 percent, picked Rudy Martin.

I don’t recall a weekly non-scientific poll on this site, before this one, that had more than 330 total votes. It appears that the Luján and Wiviott campaigns worked hard to get supporters to the site to vote, and so did the Montoya campaign.

Don’t forget to vote in this week’s non-scientific poll, located at the top of the right column on this page.

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