Dunn raises almost $107K during first quarter of 2008

Republican Second Congressional District candidate Aubrey Dunn raised $106,598 during the first quarter of 2008, his campaign announced today.

Dunn spent almost $95,000 during the quarter, and ended it with $287,148 on hand, according to a news release from his campaign. The money that was left was largely the result of a $300,000 loan Dunn gave his campaign during the fourth quarter of 2007.

The news release said 83 percent of Dunn’s contributions came from New Mexicans.

“I believe one of the problems with our government today is that too many politicians are used to spending other people’s money instead of their own. That’s why my wife Robin and I made the decision to invest $300,000 of our own nest egg to ensure Southern New Mexicans continue to have a conservative voice in Congress,” Dunn said in the release. “We made a conscious choice to only ask people for their prayers and their votes going into the Republican preprimary convention, and we’ve been humbled by the outpouring of financial support from everyday New Mexicans since our convention victory.”

Dunn won the preprimary convention on March 15 and was leading in the Republican primary in a poll his campaign recently released – the only polling of the race released publicly to date.

Dunn has raised $410,143 to date – including the $300,000 he loaned his campaign.

No other Second Congressional District candidate has released first-quarter fundraising information. Reports must be filed with the Federal Election Commission and made public by Tuesday.

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