Barnaby challenges Sanchez for DNC position

Democrat Bruce Barnaby is challenging former Speaker of the House Raymond Sanchez later this month for the position of Democratic national committeeman for New Mexico.

Barnaby, a longtime volunteer with the state Democratic Party, said in a letter sent Friday to the party’s state central committee members that he will represent New Mexico Democrats on a number of issues that come before the Democratic National Committee, including its 50-state strategy, which he supports, and discussion of a national presidential primary.

“I will keep Democrats in New Mexico informed as these issues move forward, and I will seek advice and suggestions in open forums and meetings,” Barnaby wrote.

Barnaby currently chairs the party’s state rules committee and has been a member of that committee since 2005. He is a precinct and ward chair in Bernalillo County and a volunteer at the state and county headquarters. He attended his first state convention in 1968.

Democrats in each state elect a national committeeman and national committeewoman to the DNC. New Mexico’s committeewoman, Mary Gail Gwaltney, is being challenged this year by State Rep. Mary Helen Garcia, D-Las Cruces.

Democrats will pick the committeeman and committeewoman at the statewide presidential delegate convention on April 26.

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