Guv signs bill providing alternate path to ballot

Gov. Bill Richardson signed today a bill that will provide an alternate path to the ballot for Republican and Democratic hopefuls who fail to secure the votes of 20 percent of delegates at their party’s preprimary nominating convention.

Under the previous law, Democrats and Republicans could get on the ballot by receiving the votes of 20 percent of delegates at their party’s preprimary nominating convention or, if they failed to do that, by submitting petitions containing enough signatures to qualify. A 2007 change, approved unanimously by lawmakers and signed by the governor, got rid of the second provision, and was designed to increase the power of those who control the major parties.

The bill Richardson signed today, Senate Bill 1, sponsored by Majority Leader Michael Sanchez of Belen, takes effect immediately and reverts to the law that was in effect before the 2007 change. It was approved this year unanimously by the Senate and with one dissenting vote in the House.

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