Senator defends Majority Leader Sanchez

I wrote earlier this week about a group of Democrats who are criticizing Senate Majority Floor Leader Michael Sanchez. Sen. Phil Griego of San Jose recently sent a letter to his Democratic colleagues complaining about Sanchez’s leadership.

I received a call from one Democratic senator who supports Sanchez, saying he is “professional” and has cut down on personal attacks on the Senate floor.

The senator said the group that opposes Sanchez is small and shrinking, and a challenge to his leadership, should one emerge, would fail.

Still, the senator said, the debate is healthy.

“It’s great to have enough differences that people are questioning,” the senator said. “But, I’m thankful that Michael is here. I think he’s a gentleman. I think he’s run the floor extremely professionally. I don’t think he’s going to lose his leadership position.

Political blogger Joe Monahan wrote today that some believe the Gov. Bill Richardson may be involved in this fight. That may be a factor and, even if it’s not, it’s suspected by many senators who support Sanchez.

The governor blamed the senate when many of his proposals didn’t pass this year’s legislative session. What governor wouldn’t want a legislature that does his bidding? And Griego has been an ally of the governor in the past.

But no senators I spoke with will say with certainty they believe the governor is behind this. One source tells me the governor hasn’t directly stepped into this fight.

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