Lawsuit claims Teague ignored harassment of worker

A federal civil-rights lawsuit filed in December accuses Second Congressional District candidate Harry Teague of ignoring a sexual harassment complaint filed by an employee against a top manager at one of his companies.

Teague, one of four Democrats vying for the seat being vacated by Steve Pearce, hasn’t been served in the case, his campaign said in a statement. The plaintiff has 120 days from Jan. 8 to do that.

The lawsuit, filed Dec. 26 in Las Cruces on behalf of Carolina Cueto, alleges that the operations manager for ABC Rental Tool Company and Teaco Energy Services, James Chenault, gave her gifts, use of a car, raises and promotions and also invited her to his home for dinner on several occasions. When she refused to attend, Chenault would become angry and wouldn’t speak with her at work for days, the complaint alleges.

Cueto felt like she had to attend because she is a single mother of two children and wanted to avoid the possibility of losing her job and being subjected to the hostile work environment created when she refused his invitations, the lawsuit states.

She also alleged she was subjected to “sexual jokes, comments and inquiries, sexually oriented physical contact, sexual gestures and sexually oriented practical jokes” at work by Chenault and other male employees. She left the job after being demoted from office manager in March 2007.

Cueto seeks back wages, punitive damages and attorney fees. You can read the full complaint by clicking here.

Named in the lawsuit are the two companies Teague owns, Teague as president of the companies, his son Troy Teague as vice president, and Chenault. Cueto claims she complained to Harry and Troy Teague, but neither took action to stop the harassment.

The lawsuit was first reported on by the Albuquerque Tribune on Tuesday, and Teague’s campaign referred me to the statement it released to the newspaper.

“Please know first that Harry takes the issue of sexual harassment very seriously and will not tolerate such behavior in his companies,” the statement reads. “Secondly, neither Harry nor any of the other defendants have been served with the suit, and for that reason, specific comment is premature at this time.”

“That said, we are highly confident that Harry Teague will not be involved in this suit for long and was named only because he owns the businesses named in the suit,” the statement continues. “Harry had absolutely nothing to do with the alleged events described in the suit and we are confident the legal process will reach the same conclusion.”

Lt. Gov. Diane Denish, Teague’s most high-profile supporter, said she has known him a long time and isn’t concerned by the lawsuit.

“Absolutely I’m still supporting him,” she said. “I haven’t seen the lawsuit, but I’ve known Harry not only to be a standup but a generous employer who takes care of his employees.”

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