Obama, Clinton unveil new N.M. endorsements

A number of elected officials from Doña Ana County and around New Mexico endorsed Barack Obama today, while the mayors of several New Mexico cities and two other officials announced their backing of Hillary Clinton in the Feb. 5 Democratic Caucus.

In the battle for city leaders, the Obama campaign announced today the endorsements of Las Cruces Mayor Ken Miyagishima and Sunland Park Mayor Jesus “Ruben” Segura at a news conference in Las Cruces. Meanwhile, mayors David Coss of Santa Fe, Joe Maestas of Española, Henry Sanchez of Las Vegas, Bobby Duran of Taos, Orlando Ortega of Portales and Ravi Bhasker of Socorro endorsed Clinton during a conference call with reporters today.

Though Clinton arguably has more high-profile New Mexico endorsements, Obama has a greater number of endorsements from public officials, including the backing of 10 elected officials from Doña Ana County, the second-most-populous county in the state. Clinton has the endorsements, at this point, of no one from Doña Ana County.

Miyagishima, focusing on electability, said during today’s news conference that Obama is a uniter who can bring together Democrats, Republicans and independents to change America.

“Sen. Obama can compete and win anywhere, can reach across party lines for the betterment of all Americans,” Miyagishima said.

Coss said during the conference call that Clinton has visited Santa Fe many times.

“We know of her commitment to our issues that mayors face, and I’m pleased to be endorsing her today,” he said.

Maestas, who worked in Bill Clinton’s administration, said Hillary Clinton brings “real change with real experience,” and said the nation can’t put its trust in Obama, “a freshman senator,” to get “on-the-job training in such uncertain times.”

Sanchez agreed.

“She stands for everything we want. She has substance. She’s been there. She’s dealt with all the problems,” he said of Clinton.

A push for Obama in Doña Ana County

As for officials from Doña Ana County, Miyagishima and Segura were joined today in endorsing Obama by Las Cruces City Councilors Miguel Silva, Nathan Small and Sharon Thomas; Doña Ana County Commissioner Dolores Saldaña-Caviness; and state Reps. Nate Cote and Jeff Steinborn of Las Cruces and Joni Gutierrez of Mesilla. Obama was also endorsed by several elected officials from El Paso who plan to campaign for Obama in Doña Ana County.

“He is someone who brings folks together. It’s not important if they’re a Republican or Democrat or independent,” Small said. “… That’s really where we have to move – building instead of breaking down.”

Texas state Rep. Norma Chavez of El Paso, after endorsing Obama, led the crowd of about 50 people in attendance at the Las Cruces news conference in an enthusiastic chant of “Sí se puede (Yes we can)!”

“The troops in El Paso are going to be forming and organizing this weekend to help you get out the vote in Southern New Mexico,” she said.

Other endorsements

In a news release, the Clinton campaign also announced the endorsement of N.M. Secretary of State Mary Herrera.

“I am proud to endorse Hillary Clinton because she has dedicated her life to listening to people and creating real change,” Herrera said. “As president, Hillary will continue to listen to the voices of working Americans. I trust Hillary to help jumpstart our economy and make a positive difference in people’s lives.”

Clinton also secured the endorsement today of the former president of the Navajo Nation, Peterson Zah, who called the senator “a leader who has the experience to turn this country around.”

The Obama campaign announced a host of new endorsements that include former Gov. Jerry Apodaca, state Sens. Gerald Ortiz y Pino and Dede Feldman of Albuquerque and John Grubesic of Santa Fe, state Reps. Gail Chasey and Daniel Silva of Albuquerque, state Insurance Commissioner Mo Chavez, former Indian Affairs Secretary Benny Shendo Jr., Deputy Cultural Affairs Secretary Troy Fernandez, Santa Fe Public Schools Board of Education member Angelica Ruiz, former state Sen. Leonard Tsosie, former Sandia Pueblo Gov. Stuart Paisano, Laguna Pueblo Lt. Gov. Rich Luarkie and former state Rep. Bob Perls of Rio Rancho.

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