Jennings replaces Altamirano as president pro tem

Tim Jennings of Roswell was chosen by his Democratic colleagues today to replace Ben Altamirano as president pro tem of the state Senate.

Technically, the president pro tem isn’t selected until the first day of the session, when Democrats and Republicans come together, but Democrats, who have the majority, emerged from caucus today united behind Jennings.

Republicans should be fine with the choice of Jennings. He’s a conservative Democrat who expresses open dislike for Gov. Bill Richardson, and his replacing Altamirano gives the Senate an even greater ability to challenge the governor.

Michael Sanchez of Belen, the majority leader, retains most control under the Senate system, unlike in the House, where the speaker, not the majority leader, calls the shots.

Jennings’ selection as president means every Democratic and Republican leader in that body, with the exception of Majority Whip Mary Jane Garcia of Doña Ana, is someone not generally considered a Richardson ally.

Jennings has been in the Senate since 1979. Before today’s change, he was co-chair of the Senate Finance Committee along with John Arthur Smith of Deming.

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