Moore decides against running for Udall’s seat

State Rep. Brian Moore, R-Clayton, has decided against running for the Third Congressional District seat being vacated by Tom Udall.

“After getting over the initial pleasure (and shock) of even being thought of for such an honor, Linda and I came to our senses. Having to raise a couple of million dollars and campaign over half the state when the voting-strength numbers are so challenging looked like something we should pass on,” Moore said Monday. “I’ve got a wife I want to spend more time with, some grandkids that need to go fishing with their grandpa and a business that I really enjoy.”

Moore announced in November that he wouldn’t seek re-election next year, ending an eight-year career as a state representative. He also said at the time that he had been encouraged to and would consider running for Congress, though he said winning in the liberal district as a Republican would be tough.

Moore said there is a lot he’ll miss about the Legislature, “but it’s time to let someone else have their turn at honor and glory.” He also said he is “really looking forward to my last session” that begins in January.

One Republican, attorney Marco E. Gonzales, is running for Udall’s House seat. The Democrats in the race are attorney Jon Adams, Public Regulation Commission Chairman Ben R. Luján, Santa Fe County Commissioner Harry B. Montoya, state Indian Affairs Secretary Benny Shendo Jr. and Santa Fe green builder Don Wiviott.

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