Denish helps unite wounded Iraq veteran with family

Lt. Gov. Diane Denish has stepped up in a big way to help unite a wounded Iraq veteran with his family this Christmas.

Army Private James Browning was wounded during a firefight in Iraq earlier this year. Twelve of his fellow soldiers died; only two survived. Since then, Browning has battled post-traumatic stress disorder and a traumatic brain injury. He’s currently at Fort Hood in Texas and was recently granted holiday leave.

His family, however, was unable to afford a ticket home.

During an open house for Presbyterian Medical Services’ Veteran and Family Support Services, Denish learned of the situation from Browning’s mother, Robin Simmons, according to a news release from Denish’s office.

A social worker with PMS’ veterans’ program asked numerous charities, agencies and businesses for help with a plane ticket, but came up empty. But when Denish learned of the situation, she bought the plane ticket herself – with personal funds. The total, according to Denish spokeswoman Kate Nelson, was about $495.

“I know how important it is for families to be together during the holiday season,” Denish said in the release.

Browning was set to arrive in Albuquerque on Friday evening.

As the niece of the late businessman Bill Daniels, Denish had plenty of opportunities to witness such charity as a child. Her uncle would surprise blue-collar workers with airplane tickets and large tips during the holiday season, according to the news release.

“This reminded me of my Uncle Bill,” Denish said.

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