GOP congressional hopefuls to gather in Alamogordo

The Otero County Republican Party will host a forum on Tuesday for announced GOP candidates and potential candidates for the Second Congressional District seat being vacated by Steve Pearce.

The forum will begin at 7 p.m. at the Willie Estrada Memorial Civic Center, 800 E. 1st Street, according to county party Chair Sassy Tinling. The forum will last at least an hour, and she said the party plans to ask five questions on issues that are important in the district.

The event is open to the public, and Tinling encouraged anyone, regardless of party affiliation, to attend.

The two candidates who have officially entered the race will attend the forum. They are Bob Cornelius, former Bernalillo County GOP executive director, and restaurant-chain owner and rancher Ed Tinsley.

Also attending will be Clint Chandler, staffer for U.S. Sen. Pete Domenici; C. Earl Greer, Sierra County GOP chair; and former state Rep. Terry Marquardt. All three are seriously considering running.

Two other Republicans Tinling said have been invited but have not yet responded are rancher Aubrey L. Dunn, Jr., and Roswell Public Schools Assistant Superintendent Mike Kakuska.

It is my understanding that Kakuska is no longer considering a run. And I have former Roswell Mayor Bill Owen on the list of potential candidates. There are a couple of other names floating around, as well. Tinling said it’s been difficult to track down all potential candidates because the list is fluid.

Update, 10:35 p.m.

It’s been pointed out to me today that Owen announced late last month that he won’t run for Congress. You can read about it from the Roswell Daily Record.

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