Wiviott files paperwork to run for Udall’s House seat

Santa Fe green builder Don Wiviott made official last week his run for the Third Congressional District seat being vacated by U.S. Rep. Tom Udall, and he pledged to spend at least $325,000 of his own money to win.

Wiviott was already running for Senate when Pete Domenici announced his coming retirement in October. After Udall said he would vacate his House seat to run for Senate, Wiviott said he would instead run for Udall’s seat. Last week, he filed the paperwork to make his House run official.

“This summer, I announced my intention to run for the U.S. Senate because I believed that New Mexico needed another strong, progressive voice representing us,” Wiviott said last week in a news release. “Congressman Udall is a good friend of mine and a great legislator. His decision to seek that Senate seat guarantees that a progressive voice will be heard. So I’m running in the tradition of Tom Udall to succeed him in the House of Representatives.”

Wiviott had pledged $400,000 to the Senate race. Having been in that race for five months, he had already spent some of the money. Wiviott has told me he would commit from his own finances whatever amount is necessary to win the House race.

The political newcomer will need his own money to compete in what is expected to be a crowded primary. Santa Fe County Commissioner Harry Montoya has said he will run, and at least six other high-profile Democrats are considering running.

No Republican has entered the race.

“As someone who is not a career politician, I understand that it’s going to take money to introduce myself to the people of northern New Mexico and explain why I’ll do the best job of fighting for them in Washington for better health care and a cleaner environment,” Wiviott said in last week’s news release. “I’ve personally committed to making sure my campaign has the needed resources.”

In addition to health care and the environment, Wiviott spoke in the news release about ending the Iraq war and bringing American soldiers home.

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