Zamora won’t run for Udall’s House seat

Geno Zamora, former attorney general candidate and former chief legal counsel to Gov. Bill Richardson, announced today that he will not seek to replace U.S. Rep. Tom Udall, who is vacating his House seat to run for Senate.

“I am proud to have Tom Udall as a mentor in both politics and the practice of law. It is my hope that Northern New Mexico’s next representative is as strong and progressive as Tom has been, and it would be an honor to succeed him,” Zamora said. “For me and my family, however, now is the time to remain in New Mexico and continue working for change here.”

Zamora currently serves as a board member of the New Mexico Coalition Against Domestic Violence, the New Mexico Domestic Violence Leadership Commission, the Attorney General’s Advisory Board and the New Mexico Sports Authority Advisory Committee. Earlier this year, Zamora served as a member of the Governor’s Task Force on Ethics Reform.

Democrats Don Wiviott and Santa Fe County Commissioner Harry Montoya have both entered the Third Congressional District race, and a number of others are seriously considering it.

A prior version of this posting did not state that Montoya had entered the race.

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