News update: Feds trying to build stronger case against Vigil

The FBI is digging deeper into former State Treasurer Robert Vigil’s past as it attempts to build a stronger case against him.

Sources confirmed that the FBI was in contact with the state auditor’s office last week to discuss Vigil. The agency has also been in touch with other state departments in recent weeks.

The first trial in the public corruption case against Vigil ended with a hung jury last month. A new trial date has not been set, but sources say prosecutors, who had 11 of 12 jurors on board with a conviction on at least some of 24 counts last time, are trying to build a much stronger case for round two.

What they’ll find isn’t clear, but sources tell me there are still many politicos who cringe any time the feds dig deeper into Vigil’s past. They’re afraid of what might be found.

Then again, many believed more heads would roll during the first Vigil trial, but the only casualty was the political career of Guy Riordan, who Richardson removed from the state game commission after testimony implicated him in wrongdoing.

Riordan has not been charged.

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