Denish decides against running for U.S. Senate

Lt. Gov. Diane Denish has decided to forgo a 2008 U.S. Senate run and instead run for governor in 2010 as she originally planned.

A knowledgeable source confirmed on Thursday that Denish had decided against running for the U.S. Senate seat being vacated by Pete Domenici. The news came the same day the public learned that U.S. Rep. Tom Udall, D-N.M., had decided to reconsider whether to run for Senate and that he is trying to put together the pieces necessary for a Senate run.

Many Washington insiders had spent weeks pushing Denish or Udall to run for the seat.

But Denish told me months before Domenici announced his coming retirement that she had no interest in leaving New Mexico. She told me last month, in confirming her consideration of the race, that she wasn’t certain that had changed, but a number of Democrats were pushing her, arguing she was the Democrat who could win the Senate race next year.

“The compelling argument is this: The country is in a mess and what we need is really good candidates to step forward,” Denish said at the time. “If the country wasn’t in a crisis, I think I would not blink an eye (in deciding against running for Senate), but I think building a stronger majority in the Senate is a real priority at this time.”

Even then, she told me she sees herself as “more suited for” an executive job than a legislative position.

The source said Thursday that Denish gave the Senate race serious consideration because of the pressing needs in Washington, but ultimately decided that “her feet are firmly planted in New Mexico” and she wants to be governor. She’s already raised some $1.5 million for the race that’s about three years away.

The other Democrats who are running for Senate are Albuquerque Mayor Martin Chávez and three lesser-known candidates, Don Wiviott, Jim Hannan and Leland Lehrman. It was in part because of Chávez’s candidacy that many Democrats have been pushing Denish and Udall. The mayor is not well-liked by progressives, and a recent poll revealed that he would have a hard time in a general election against GOP U.S. Reps. Steve Pearce or Heather Wilson, who are both running for the seat.

Update, 7:10 a.m.

Denish confirmed this morning in a news release that she won’t run for Senate.

“I am flattered and honored by everyone’s interest in my considering the Senate race. I appreciate the encouragement of everyone I’ve heard from in Washington, but most of all I appreciate the support, counsel and friendship of so many of you here in New Mexico. I’m honored by your confidence in me,” Denish said.

“We’re a country with serious problems. We are in a war that the president has no plan to end. And that same president just vetoed a children’s health-care plan that our New Mexico children desperately need. We have been led to the brink of rocky financial times because of reckless economic policies the president has pursued. Because of the state of our country I felt I must give serious consideration to a Senate run,” she said. “It’s simple: The nation is on the wrong track.”

“Over the last five years, I’ve worked with Governor Richardson to keep New Mexico on the right track,” Denish said. “I’ve seen the difference our commitment to early childhood education means for our children’s future. I’ve seen how fighting crime at a neighborhood level and investing in small businesses changes a community and helps make it a great place to live.”

“Together, we’re reaching higher. We’ve made our state a better place to start a business or start a family, a place where every child in every community has a chance to grow and succeed,” she said.

“But our work isn’t done. For all the progress we’ve made, keeping that progress going is a fight I can’t leave now,” she said. “My heart and soul are in New Mexico. Therefore, it’s clear to me that I best serve New Mexico by continuing as lieutenant governor, and I hope one day as your governor. In the meantime, I’ll be working hard to elect a Democratic senator and president in 2008.”

“I love New Mexico, and the fact is, my feet are firmly planted on the ground here,” Denish said. “I like to get up and see that big, blue sky and I’m committed to working hard for everyone who lives below it. Together, we can build a New Mexico that’s stronger, safer and more prepared than ever to take on the challenges we face.”

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