It’s crunch time: With debate tonight, guv airs new ad

It’s crunch time, and the first Democratic presidential candidate debate of the home stretch – the final weeks before the primary contests begin – will be held tonight. For Gov. Bill Richardson, it’s a chance to stand out while the frontrunners, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, bombard voters in Iowa and New Hampshire with advertising.

The official Democratic National Committee debate will be broadcast on MSNBC beginning at 7 p.m. MST.

Meanwhile, Richardson will begin running a new television advertisement in Iowa today that will air in tandem with an ad about his rescue of American hostages from Iraq that I wrote about last week. The new ad appears to be the culmination of the brilliant ad campaign Richardson’s firm has put together – some ads poking fun at the governor, others highlighting his experience.

The new ad attempts to be an intimate, honest look at the governor and a plea for support. It makes vague references to the mistakes he’s made on the campaign trail, then turns the focus to what he’s done in a lifetime of public service.

“I am Bill Richardson, and when I began this campaign for president, I wasn’t sure what to expect,” Richardson says in the ad. “I knew I would not have every answer, but I will always tell you what I really believe, and I will never mislead you.”

“I knew there would be differences between the candidates, especially on Iraq. I’ll get every soldier out. You cannot say you will end the war if you plan to leave thousands of troops behind,” he says. “… If you are wondering if anyone can really do all this, just look at what I have done in my life and how I’ve done it – not by dividing people, but by earning their trust. And that’s really where we need to begin in Iraq. There is a way out.”

And the kicker, the moment of truth:

“I approved this message because I’m sure not the best looking, or the flashiest, but I know who I am, and I know how hard I will work for you,” Richardson says at the end of the ad.

Campaign Manager Dave Contarino said in a news release that Iowans have learned about Richardson’s humor and experience, and they’ve learned about his bravery in rescuing hostages from Iraq.

“This new ad allows Gov. Richardson to tell voters in Iowa what he is about and why he has been so successful in bringing people together to get things done,” Contarino said. “Bill Richardson is the only candidate in this race with both experience and a real vision for change.”

You can learn more about the new ad by clicking here. Here it is:

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