Burckle nominated to head General Services Department

Gov.-elect Susana Martinez nominated Edwynn L. Burckle today to be secretary of the General Services Department.

Burckle has “decades of experience as a senior manager in both the private and public sectors directing program, small business, contractual and supplier matters,” according to a news release from Martinez’s transition team.

“His experience also includes commanding three military acquisition units while serving in the U.S. Air Force,” it states. “He also oversaw a company that provided facility maintenance and construction services at Los Alamos National Laboratory.”

“Ed is a proven leader who will ensure state government is able to maintain high performance levels with less resources,” Martinez said in the release. “He will help administer to the budget in a way that maximizes efficiencies and makes certain we making the best use of every single taxpayer dollar.”

One of Burckle’s first tasks, Martinez added, will be selling the state’s jet, “which has become a symbol of government waste and abuse.”

Burckle said it is an honor to be chosen for the position.

“(Martinez’s) directive to me and others has been clear: Do more with less,” he said. “We must and will achieve the greatest return on investment in state government by prioritizing projects and working to achieve greater effectiveness on behalf of the state’s citizens.”

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