White makes run official; Grisham says she’s running

Bernalillo County Sheriff Darren White made official today his run for the First Congressional District seat being vacated next year by Rep. Heather Wilson, and former state Health Secretary Michelle Lujan Grisham said she’ll formally announce on Thursday that she’s also running.

White is the only Republican who has entered the race, but Grisham will have to face Martin Heinrich and Jon Adams in a Democratic primary. Other Democrats and Republicans are also considering entering the race.

In announcing his candidacy at a news conference today in Albuquerque, White said many elected officials – Democrat and Republican – have broken the public’s trust.

“We deserve better, and I will continue to call things the way I see them and criticize mistakes no matter which party makes them,” White said.

A former cabinet secretary for the state’s Department of Public Safety, White resigned when former Gov. Gary Johnson began advocating for the decriminalization of marijuana. White brought that up during today’s news conference.

“My integrity and standing up for what I believe is right is more important than a paycheck,” he said.

White called for “lower taxes and cutting wasteful Washington spending.” He also pledged to support America’s troops by ensuring “that they have the resources they need for combat.”

“Unfortunately, mistakes have been made by those in Washington, and the Iraqi government has not stepped up,” he said. “We all want to bring the troops home, and I will do just that, but our troops must return in victory because al Qaida must be denied a safe haven in Iraq.”

“I will fight to bring real change to Washington, and you will always be able to count on my integrity and my independence along the way,” White said. “I know this will be a tough campaign and I’m ready to work hard to earn your vote.”

Grisham confirmed today, in an interview with KKOB-AM in Albuquerque, that she’ll make the formal announcement on Thursday. She resigned her job earlier this year to consider a run for Congress or another elected position.

“Tomorrow I’m making a public announcement about the First Congressional District race,” she said. “My announcement tomorrow is to… announce formally my candidacy.”

Grisham told the station she would run on a platform of “new leadership” and change on issues including the Iraq war, energy independence and the environment, and would also promote her background as a strength in working toward health-care and education reform.

“I think this is an incredible opportunity,” she said.

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