State Sen. Grubesic won’t seek re-election in 2008

State Sen. John Grubesic, D-Santa Fe, announced today that he won’t seek re-election next year, the Santa Fe New Mexican is reporting.

That leaves lawyer and Democrat Brian Egolf, who has already raised $85,000, as the frontrunner in the race for the District 25 seat. Democrat Mekah Gordon has also announced that she’s running.

Grubesic told the newspaper his decision is based primarily on financial reasons.

“Being in the Legislature has a significant impact on my ability to make a living and support my family,” he told the newspaper. “I’m a trial lawyer and it’s hard to tell a client I’ll be gone for 60 days.”

As reported by the newspaper, Grubesic had a rocky term that involved two incidents with police, one of which led him to later apologize and seek therapy for alcoholism. He has also criticized the governor, calling him “the flabby king” in an opinion piece published by the newspaper last year.

Grubesic listed passage of a bill this year limiting gifts to public officials as one of his proudest accomplishments. It was one of three ethics bills that passed the Senate during the regular and special sessions.

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