Audit helps prove case for recall of ABQ councilor

By B. James Lowe, RADM, USNR (Ret.)

In the solace and comfort of my family room I watched the recording of Eye on New Mexico on Sunday morning. Alas, if I had been evaluating it as a college debate, Albuquerque City Councilor Don Harris won going away. While I still had the comfort of home, solace was not afforded by the spectacle of my debating performance.

I concede that Carter Bundy’s column that ran Wednesday on this site was not only well written but generally on-point. But personal ego demands that I invite to you that his assessment was made on viewing a 25-minute window in which Mr. Harris, and the moderator, pushed the drama of a hateful cabal from Four Hills who were conspiratorially plotting to remove him.

If you visit the New Mexicans for Democracy Web site, you will see the myriad of reasons as to how Mr. Harris has failed his constituents. You would see a documented trail of lies and duplicity. Therein is defined how Mr. Harris’ arrogant performance as a city councilor has impacted and harmed the lives of residents in District 9.

Bundy’s comment that I was seeking to have a “crony” appointed to the Open Space Advisory Board is uninformed. Mr. Harris used his position to besmirch the name of Mrs. Lorber, a private citizen, in a contemptuous manner. It was part of a consistent pattern that shows Mr. Harris’ arrogance. He was seeking vengeance against a dedicated Four Hills resident who has worked tirelessly to maintain the Manzano Open Space as an environmental treasure. Those efforts have also led to the stoppage of drug trafficking in the open space and improved resident safety.

As Harris stated in correspondence to one constituent, “You support me, I will support you… That’s the way it works.” Mr. Harris advised Mrs. Lorber that “if you want to go be on the Open Space Advisory Board, you have to support me on removing the speed humps.” Mrs. Lorber’s position of integrity was not acceptable to him. Mrs. Lorber’s passionate work on behalf of the environment and safety is greatly respected by her neighbors and Four Hills residents.

I would like to hold you to your statement that “a basic… respect for fellow voters should limit overturning elections to cases of significant illegal and unethical behavior.”

New Mexicans for Democracy filed an ethics complaint on June 25 regarding Mr. Harris’ campaign reporting irregularities. Today, the results of the auditor’s full investigation have become public. It is impossible to provide full information regarding such a myriad of charges. Full copies of the auditor’s report are available for purchase at the City Clerk’s Office for around $30.

This audit report is devastating; it provides a chronicled pattern of either incredible incompetence or willful fraud and deceit. There are 174 violations noted on campaign contribution reporting alone. In the majority of cases, fines for violations are levied at the rate of $500 each. The report also reveals $13,733.07 in undocumented but reported expenditures.

Formal hearing will precede recall vote

The formal hearing will be televised on Sept. 24 at 5:30 p.m. on Gov-TV Channel 16 in Albuquerque. At that time, the ethics board will make its ruling as to how these myriad violations will be handled; moreover, the public will have the opportunity to hear what Mr. Harris has to say to defend himself.

If he’s unable to properly account for his campaign funds, why should taxpayers have high confidence in his ability to manage millions of dollars of their hard-earned taxpayer money?

These aren’t random mistakes that could and probably do happen in any campaign’s reporting. These violations demonstrate a pattern of disregard for existing regulations. Other candidates comply with the law. Why can’t Mr. Harris?

After the hearing, it will be time for District 9 voters to make a decision. We believe it will be abundantly clear that this decision should be for the recall of Don Harris.

I became involved in this recall effort because I believe that all public service should be based on decency, honor and integrity. A significant number of District 9 residents hold that Mr. Harris lacks any of these essential character elements that are so vital to public office holders.

Bundy concluded by suggesting that “perhaps Lowe should run for council himself.” That statement is reflective of his limited research following his initial perceptions of the television debate. I would have hoped for more. I am a 78-year old golfer who is seeking to play my age before I am 100. Since I don’t cheat or move the ball, and play the game with integrity, playing my age is almost as improbable as my running for city council.

Lowe is the chairman of New Mexicans for Democracy.

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